A downloadable Pirate

The project is a pirate game where the player is dropped into a water space and hunts AI ships. When the player destroys an AI ship the ship drops treasure. When the player has treasure they return to port and save the treasure they have collected. If the player dies without saving the treasure they loose the treasure gained.

An in depth look through this project, which explains how it was created, can be found on Behance 


W - pressed to increase speed

S - To decrease speed

A & D - Turn left and right

Left click & Right click - Shoot left and right cannons

Mouse controls the camera

Assets used: 

Ship Model: https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/unwrapped-ship-3d-1278443

Music list: 

A Pirate's life by TommyMutiu from Pixabay

Pirate Music by KamaleshSIddu from Pixabay

Far far from home aucostic by madirfan from Pixabay

The Buccaneer's Haul by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

Sound Effects:

cannonball-89596 Sound effect by Kastenfrosch from Pixabay

big-metal-knock Sound effect by EdR from Pixabay


(1.1 gb)